Esgee Technologies Inc.
VizGlow is a robust, industrial simulation tool for high-fidelity modeling of non-equilibrium plasma discharges.
- 1-D, 2-D (planar/axisymmetric) and 3-D problems
- Self-consistent (sheath+plasma) and quasi-neutral formulation
- Multi-species, multi-temperature formulation
- Finite-rate gas chemistry (complex gas mixtures) and surface chemistry (etching, deposition, etc.)
- Coupling to electromagnetics and fluid-flow
- Coupling to kinetic particle models for hybrid plasma simulation
- Photoionization model
- General circuit model
- Valid over range of pressures ~mTorr to 10+atm.
- Unstructured mixed mesh framework
- Parallel computing
- Thin film etching / deposition / cleaning
- Semiconductor processing
- Semiconductor equipment design
- Chemical vapor deposition
- Lighting and display
- Aerodynamic flow control
- Chemical processing
- Combustion ignition / stabilization
- Biomedical (e.g. sterilization)
- Plasma propulsion
- Plasma metamaterials
Discharge Types
- Capacitively Coupled Plasmas (CCP)
- Inductively Coupled Plasmas (ICP)
- Microwave Plasmas(MWP)
- Direct Current (DC) Plasmas
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Plasmas(APP)
- Microdischarges (MD)
Industries Served
- Semiconductor equipment makers
- Semiconductor IC manufacturers
- Solar cell manufacturers
- Flat-panel display manufacturers
- Automotive industry (e.g. next generation combustion ignition)
- Aerospace industry (e.g. flow control, plasma propulsion)
- Electrical device manufacturers
- 1-D, 2-D (planar/axisymmetric) and 3-D problems
- Multiple particle types (e.g. multiple species)
- Particle force models: Electromagnetic Lorentz force, Gravitational force, aerodynamic drag
- Particle chargeup models
- Particle-in-cell (PIC) modeling
- Particle collisions: Direct-Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) approach, Monte Carlo Collision (MCC) approach
- Coupling to VizGlow (hybrid plasma simulations, prediction of complex ion energy and angular distribution functions on processing surfaces)
- Hybrid unstructured mixed mesh formulation
- Parallel computing
- Thin film etching / deposition
- Gas stream processing
- Low-pressure aerodynamic flows
- Chemical processing
Industries Served
- Semiconductor Equipment Makers
- Semiconductor IC Manufacturers
- Solar Cell Manufacturers
- Flat Panel Display Manufacturers
- Aerospace Industry
- 1-D, 2-D (planar/axisymmetric) and 3-D problems
- Variety of fluid types (incompressible, compressible, calorically perfect gases, thermally perfect gases, equilibrium reactive flows, etc.)
- Automatic generation of equilibrium flow properties
- Conjugate heat transfer with flow+solid domains
- Moving body dynamics with flow domain
- Coupling to other solvers
- Parallel computing
- General flow field analysis
- Chemical vapor deposition
- Low-speed and high speed aerodynamic flows
- Materials processing
Industries Served
- Semiconductor manufacturing
- Electrical systems
- Automotive Industry
- Aerospace Industry
- Oil and gas
- Manufacturing
ChemZone simulation software is a 0-D bulk reactor tool for rapid analysis of plasma discharges and neutral reactive flows, such as those in combustion or chemical vapor deposition.
ChemZone also provides comprehensive capabilities for finite-rate chemical reaction mechanism development, analysis and optimization in these systems.
- Fast 0-D (global) reactor simulations (in seconds of computer time)
- Aids the development of very large chemistries, including coupled gas and multiple surface mechanisms
- Enables detailed view of chemistry parameters, including reaction rate magnitudes, contribution of individual reactions to specific species production, species wall fluxes, etc.
- Support for sensitivity analysis of quantities of interest to reaction mechanism parameters
- Thin film etching / deposition
- Gas stream processing
- Chemical processing
- Combustion
- Biomedical
Industries Served
- Semiconductor Equipment Makers
- Semiconductor IC Manufacturers
- Solar Cell Manufacturers
- Flat Panel Display Manufacturers
- Automotive Industry
- Aerospace Industry
- Electrical Device Manufacturers
For 3D/2D/1D modeling of equilibrium thermal (arc) plasmas in spark discharges, arc lamps, plasma torches, etc.
For 3D/2D/1D modeling of electromagnetic phenomena including quasi-static (electrostatics and magnetostatics), and high-frequency (wave) description in both time-domain and frequency domain.
A easy-to-use, robust, 2D meshing tool to generate hybrid unstructured computational grids for multi-dimensional solvers.
We support comprehensive databases for
1) finite-rate chemistry mechanisms in non-equilibrium systems (plasmas, combustion, etc.);
2) equilibrium chemical systems in combustion, aerodynamics, and arc plasmas