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Mongoose Embedded Web Server for electronic devices

Meet Mongoose - an open source embedded HTTP/Websocket/MQTT library for C/C++

18 years on the market

5K+ integrations

100M+ devices deployed

Trusted by NASA

9K+ Github stars

Web UI Interface

Mongoose turns a software product, a device or appliance into a web server, accessible by a browser

Device Control Panel

One of the most common use cases is to use Mongoose to add a Web-accessible control panel for a device

Login Screen, File Uploads and More

Ready-to-go examples and tutorials for common functionalities like authentication, live logs, video streaming

Remote control

Using Mongoose, it is easy to create various API to control your device or application remotely – via browser, mobile phone, or automation tools


We have created an extremely memory efficient, easy to use, MIT-licensed JSON library to use together with Mongoose

Real-time two-way communication

Real-time, full duplex communication over MQTT or Websocket. Exhange plain data, or wrap data into JSON to use JSON-RPC!

Telemetry data reporting

Mongoose implements MQTT – a standard IoT protocol which makes it easy to report telemetry data, and control devices remotely

Talk to AWS IoT, Azure, Google IoT

Upload device data to a cloud server of your choice. Use a 3rd party cloud provider, or spin your own

Live data streams

Implement real-time data upload using industry standard protocols like MQTT and Websocket

Over-the-Air updates

For any connected product, a reliable OTA is key

Efficient file uploads

On devices with very little memory, Mongoose can save large firmware files easily

Push or pull

Update devices automatically by periodic pull / version check, or by an explicit push

Mongoose isa networking library for C/C++.

It implements event-driven non-blocking APIs for TCP, UDP, HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT. It is designed for connecting devices and bringing them online.

On the market since 2004, used by vast number of open source and commercial products – it even runs on the International Space Station! Mongoose makes embedded network programming fast, robust, and easy.


Cross-platform: Works on Linux/UNIX, MacOs, Windows, Android, FreeRTOS, etc

Supported Embedded Architecture: ESP32, NRF52, STM32, NXP and more

Build-in Protocols: Plain TCP/UDP, HTTP, MQTT, Websocket

SSL/TLS Support: mbedTLS, OpenSSL or custom (via API)

Asynchronous DNS resolver

Tiny static and Run-time footprint

Source code is both ISO C and ISO C++ compliant

Works with any network stack with socket API, like LwIP or Free RTOS-Plus-TCP

Very easy to integrate: Just copy mangoose.c and mangoose.h file to your build tree

Detailed documentation and in-depth tutorials with ready-to-go examples help to jump start any project in minutes

Mangoose is used by hundreds of business, from Fortune500 giants like Siemens, Schneider Electric, Broadcom, Bosch, Google, Samsung, Qualcomm, Caterpillar to the small businesses

Used to solve a wide range of business needs, like implementing WebUI interface on devices, RESTful API services, telemetry data exchange, remote control for a product, remote software updates, remote monitoring and others

Deployed to hundred of millions devices in production environment worldwide

We provide commecial licensing, support, consultancy and integration assistance - don't hesitate to contact us